Author: admin

  • 150 Ways to Improve Your Classical Music Experience

    How can Indian classical music be so rewarding and enriching for your life? Indian music has a long history and its roots can be traced back to the Vedic period. This is where Indian classical music originated. The word ‘classical’ means that it is the most developed form of music. Indian classical music has been…

  • How to Sing like an Angel: The Simple Techniques for Having Greater Voice Power

    Are you looking to develop greater vocal power so you can sound angelic when you sing? With the simple techniques outlined in this article, you can achieve a high-pitched voice and sing with authority. So if you’re interested in adding an air of divinity to your performances, read on! How to develop greater vocal power…

  • Sharpen Your Memory with Classical Music

    Do you remember how to play the piano? If not, you might want to start listening to classical music. Classical music has been shown to improve memory and recall. A study published in the journal “Mental Science” found that people who listened to classical music performed better on a memory recall test than those who…

  • The Top 5 Reasons to Delay Retirement

    Don’t regret delaying retirement. Here are five reasons to do just that. Retirees who wait to retire often regret it because their ability to work decreases and their retirement savings are smaller. When you delay retirement, your average retirement account has less than 40% of the value it had when you first started saving for…

  • The Weird but Revolutionary Way U of C of M & D is Learning to Teach

    University of Chicago Medical School and Dental School are teaming up to create a revolutionary teaching method that is changing the way students learn. This method is based on a unique blend of video conferencing, group work, and individualized learning. The University of Chicago Medical School and Dental School are working together to form a…

  • How to take your playing to the next level with virtuoso form

    If you’re looking to take your playing to the next level, virtuoso form is the way to go. This approach to music theory can help you develop more control and accuracy in your playing, which can help you achieve greater virtuosity. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, learning virtuoso form can help you…

  • The Amazing Health Benefits of Listening to Indian Classical Music

    Do you ever find yourself zoning out during your work or schoolday? Maybe you’re listening to your favorite music, but all you can think about is how much you’d love to take a break and dance around the room. If that sounds like you, then you may be missing out on some of the amazing…

  • Indian Classics that will inspire you to be your best

    Looking for something to inspire you in your life? Check out some of the Indian Classics that will help you be your best! These books will open your eyes to different aspects of Hindu and Buddhist faiths and customs. By reading these books, you will learn about who you are and what is important to…

  • The Virtuosic Form: How to Unlock Its Tremendous Power

    In order to unlock the power of the virtuosic form, you need to be dedicated to practice. This skill can be used in any genre of music, and it can help improve your musicianship. If you are looking for an edge in your playing, take some time to learn about the virtuosic form. What is…

  • Indian Classical Music: A Guide to the Greatest Masterpieces

    Indian classical music is one of the most beautiful and revered forms of music in the world. With intricate compositions and masterful performers, these pieces are sure to leave a lasting impression. In this guide, we will explore some of the most famous and beloved Indian classical compositions, and provide tips on how to enjoy…